hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

March 17, 2010


humility is something i believe, God has placed in our hearts. that possible setting of heart whereby you are able to access an understanding of a bigger picture, of a bigger heart, God's heart. it allows you to realise what is more important in the long run than in that fit of anger/immediate moment. all sounds very 'model answer' and very cliche doesn't it?

sometimes the truth does sound more cliche and "yea yea yea i know' than cool or revelational. the important part however comes from the willingness to obey God's heart or not. That is your defining moment, from being lost, to being found again in God's grace and mercy through obedience. The experience taught me alot. and it was definitely not easy both before and after the humbling of my own ego. but i think when we finally come to realise that God is ultimately in control and when His peace just embraces you like He always does, you feel the assurance that you ahve done the right thing. the thing that allows God to step in and take comtrol of the situation.

God is simple and direct in terms of free will. if you allow Him to step in, He will, but if u start to wrestle control again, then He won't interfere and instead watch you closely from where He is. Its here where He wants to watch you and make you grow. Allowing you to see the error of your ways and realise that there are just levels of thinking that you can't access unless you ask God for help. its like a person trying to do a math question he has no idea how to solve. but instead of submitting to a higher authority a.k.a teacher, he tries again and again. the end result is frustration and despair. Don't misunderstand his omniscient power for his gift of free will to us, or you will be sorely misunderstood on what you have to do when conflict arises. time will heal everything? it won't if nothing is done. and what if time is not on your side?

Instead, God will heal everything when u finally want to get on the boat of humility and forgiveness regardless the circumstances,as He will always be on your side ( not that he supports u in your argument with that someone.) Don't be cowardly. Don't misunderstand God's power, Who He is and what He is and what He stands for. Don't be lazy. what would Jesus do in your situation eh? cliche yet again. but true.

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