hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

March 19, 2010

who's fault? / How important is God to you?

ever felt what it was like to see a bunch of your frens who used to go to church with you, be in minstry with you, hung out with you, shared most of your teenage life with you, take a wrong turn and end up all wrong?( i couldn't seem to find an appropriate noun). something happened, something out of the ordinary, something unexpected and you see yourself helpless in rectifying anything of the situation and they decide to leave the life they have lived, and live life another way.they cut you out compeletely from their lives without giving any sort of an explanation or justification, instead solely focussed on seeking out a seemingly better alternative. and you just can't stop thinking abt the WHAT IF's and what would be different if the WHAT IFs had come to past.

i cant get past myself, i take it upon myself that this has happened. what i cant pin down is what i could've have done. because at that point of time just being there for them just didnt seem to be able to cut it. but i was clueless. i was 15. i cant keep feeling bad for myself. there has got to be closure but i cant seem to know what that closure can be, or what it can even bring abt anyway. i wanna know whay it happened. how it happened and even more inportantly, how did leaving church become the best possible solution. its the easiest i guess but then again i'm not them so i can't predict what was going through their minds when they made that decision. its puzzling and frustrating. and i have started to question myself.

evangelism. how are we doing evangelism personally. was it enough? was it a case of unwillingness to reach out to our fellow christian, the one we brought to church. were we not willing to obey and hear God's prompting? there were signs, i think.

worship. are we fully aware that we were made to worship? our lives are not of our own if we choose to live a life that pleases god. if so will it still be so simple to just leave the faith? maybe there's a faulty pre requiste, discipleship. are our foundations right with God? do we know what we need to know to sustain us in times of trials and tribulations. are we set right? are we good to go? are our cells functioning well? are we thirsty for the Word? are we even thirsty for anything? how personal is God to you? how many of your strings are actually attached to God? (string = aspect of your life)

fellowship. how friendly are u to the regular stranger? how often do we try to see who talks to who first even when it comes to best frens? how often are we wearing masks of morality when we talk to someone we don't like? then again, how close are we as a youth group/church to even demand these standards of truthfulness and openness? how aware are we on what it is really like to be in the house of God as a family of God?

ministry. are we still caring abt ourselves? are we being mature and responsible in our own ministry? are we effective in our ministry? have we ever thought we are doing too much for our ministry? that we are too good for our ministry? who in the world said it was your ministry to begin with? if its going to be abt you, dun try to think otherwise to make yourself feel better yet again abt yourself. its not personal. its just the truth

lets set our records straight. history should not repeat itself like this. lets get our mindsets right. lets respond to God reasonably, unnecessary hurt and despair cannot do any good to us. its not abt me or you this time (and the times to come) its abt God, its for God.

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