hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

January 21, 2010

Seeing The Big Picture

Genesis 42:36 'everything is against me!'
So often we are faced with one difficult situation after another. sometimes we just feel that everything is just against us, like we are battling in our darkest hour. you try to be mature and rational but u just cant seem to see whatever's happening, through God's eyes. everything that u are going just doesn't seem to add up or point to some meaningful direction of growth or experience.

what we have to believe is that through this trying time, God is doing His deepest behind-the-scenes work, and its a work that cannot be seen. One of God's methods for directing His children's steps is through drying up resources;a loss of something important, a disaster, or a relationship crisis.its through these times we are more willing to listen to God intently and seek God in ways we would not normally do.

keep reading the Bible as that's one of the best and most practical ways that God uses to give you direction. Just as Jacob had to endure the supposed loss of Joseph to death and Simeon to the Egyptian jail, we have to learn to know how to seek God's heart and understand the purpose behind our predicament when we are faced with our own trials that we don't understand at first.
Pray to continually seek after God's heart. ask Him to take you deeper.

'the darkest hour is just before daybreak'

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