hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

January 27, 2010

Blasphemy and Vulgarities

thought this might be of interest to some of us. i just felt the need to share this.

Blasphemy against the Spirit is the absolute, permanent, hateful rejection of the gifts of the Holy Spirit with the motive to keep others from fully following Christ as well as to keep one's position of power. A person who has committed this sin has no desire for repentance, will divide the body of Christ, judge the salvation of others, and will ultimately die in this state.
Leviticus 19:12
 And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. - King James Version
Jeremiah 23:10
For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right. - King James Version
Hosea 10:4
 They have spoken words, swearing falsely in making a covenant: thus judgment springeth up as hemlock in the furrows of the field. - King James Version
James 5:12
But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. - King James Version
check out this story..

I met two Mormon missionaries who had more fear of God than these charismatic-bashers. They politely shared with my wife and me their view that only Mormons could be saved.
            I kindly objected and told them how I was born again. I shared how I was filled with the Holy Spirit.
            "How do you know that you have the Holy Spirit?" the head missionary asked.
            "I know because I have the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including speaking in tongues," I answered boldly.
            And without hesitation, he questioned, "How can you be sure that your speaking in tongues is from the Holy Spirit and not from an evil spirit?"
            I cleverly answered, "You tell me, did I receive the Holy Spirit or an evil spirit?"
            The other missionary interrupted, "It is not our place to judge."
            "But you say that no one can receive the Holy Spirit without being a Mormon," I baited.
            The leader spoke up. "I'm prepared to tell you whether you received the Holy Spirit or an evil spirit!"
            "Go, ahead. Tell me."
            He paused. He thought for a moment. His mind seemed to drift. Finally, he forced the words out slowly, but almost wishing to keep silent, "You received an evil spirit."
            With a boldness not my own, I pointed my finger at him and fired the words, "Jesus said you can blaspheme Him or His Father and still be forgiven, but if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, you'll not be forgiven in this age or the age to come! If you're right, then you have nothing to fear; but if your wrong, then you are in danger of eternal damnation!"
            The other Mormon jumped in, "I didn't say it." Then he pointed to his friend. "HE SAID IT!"
            A couple of minutes elapsed when the leader softly said, "I want to take back my statement." And with humility, he apologized, "Sir, not only should I not have judged you, but I was wrong in my judgment of you. According to my Mormon teaching, you can not have the Holy Spirit. But, I believe, you are the first non-Mormon I've met who has the Holy Spirit."
            I wish some fundamentalist would have the same fear of God as these Mormons. 
I pray that none will fall victim to this, that the Lord will take control of your thoughts and keep it pure.lets stop speaking profanities. Never deny the Holy Spirit and his work.

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