hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

January 29, 2010


i miss many people, many things, many times. God help me see that change is good.

January 27, 2010

Blasphemy and Vulgarities

thought this might be of interest to some of us. i just felt the need to share this.

Blasphemy against the Spirit is the absolute, permanent, hateful rejection of the gifts of the Holy Spirit with the motive to keep others from fully following Christ as well as to keep one's position of power. A person who has committed this sin has no desire for repentance, will divide the body of Christ, judge the salvation of others, and will ultimately die in this state.
Leviticus 19:12
 And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. - King James Version
Jeremiah 23:10
For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right. - King James Version
Hosea 10:4
 They have spoken words, swearing falsely in making a covenant: thus judgment springeth up as hemlock in the furrows of the field. - King James Version
James 5:12
But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. - King James Version
check out this story..

I met two Mormon missionaries who had more fear of God than these charismatic-bashers. They politely shared with my wife and me their view that only Mormons could be saved.
            I kindly objected and told them how I was born again. I shared how I was filled with the Holy Spirit.
            "How do you know that you have the Holy Spirit?" the head missionary asked.
            "I know because I have the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including speaking in tongues," I answered boldly.
            And without hesitation, he questioned, "How can you be sure that your speaking in tongues is from the Holy Spirit and not from an evil spirit?"
            I cleverly answered, "You tell me, did I receive the Holy Spirit or an evil spirit?"
            The other missionary interrupted, "It is not our place to judge."
            "But you say that no one can receive the Holy Spirit without being a Mormon," I baited.
            The leader spoke up. "I'm prepared to tell you whether you received the Holy Spirit or an evil spirit!"
            "Go, ahead. Tell me."
            He paused. He thought for a moment. His mind seemed to drift. Finally, he forced the words out slowly, but almost wishing to keep silent, "You received an evil spirit."
            With a boldness not my own, I pointed my finger at him and fired the words, "Jesus said you can blaspheme Him or His Father and still be forgiven, but if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit, you'll not be forgiven in this age or the age to come! If you're right, then you have nothing to fear; but if your wrong, then you are in danger of eternal damnation!"
            The other Mormon jumped in, "I didn't say it." Then he pointed to his friend. "HE SAID IT!"
            A couple of minutes elapsed when the leader softly said, "I want to take back my statement." And with humility, he apologized, "Sir, not only should I not have judged you, but I was wrong in my judgment of you. According to my Mormon teaching, you can not have the Holy Spirit. But, I believe, you are the first non-Mormon I've met who has the Holy Spirit."
            I wish some fundamentalist would have the same fear of God as these Mormons. 
I pray that none will fall victim to this, that the Lord will take control of your thoughts and keep it pure.lets stop speaking profanities. Never deny the Holy Spirit and his work.

January 26, 2010

God's Test For His Anointed

1 Samuel 20:1 What have I done? what is my crime? how have i wronged your father, that he is trying to take my life?

the cost of being God's chosen can be great. those whom God have anointed for service and influence in His Kingdom has to undergo a special preparation so as to be ready for the future challenges in his adventure with God.

One such example in the Bible was the test David had to undergo when he was serving the the courts of Saul. we all know the story of David being anointed to be the next King of Israel as a young boy. he was brought into King Saul's service to play music. He served well and while there got the opportunity to stand up against Goliath and God elevated him for his next stage of development as future king of Israel.

Then there came a point of time that when David's popularity grew with the many things he has accomplished as future king, so did King Saul's jealousy of him.the time came when Saul could control it no longer and decided to try and kill David. David thus had to go into hiding for many years till he was able to see that the hand of God in all of this.

If you know you have been anointed for something great, whether through your daily devotions, at an altar call or even at a conference, then be prepared and equip yourself for God's tests. When God anoints us, it is accompanied by some severe tests designed to prepare us for the calling God has on our lives. the consequence of failing a test is the same as with our school system, we will just remain at that level till we are able to prove to God that we are ready for the next challenge which will be harder and tougher than the previous.

What kind of tests will God put before us?
these tests often involve;
1) money,
2) relationships
3) issues of the heart,
4) temptations, and even your fears.

David definitely thought that once he was anointed above all his other brothers to be the future king of Israel by Samuel, he would be conveniently nurtured, trained and raised to be the next king accompanied with all the comfortable benefits of kingship. But God's plan is always bigger than ours because He sees farther than us. God prepares us for eternity, whereas we have the tendency to only plan for the immediate future and have false hope in eternity.

God's prep of David involved persecution, disloyalty and even great hardship. God knew these were key lessons for a godly King.

so lets evaluate ourselves. each and every one of us have a certain and unique calling by God and it is a definite big appointment in its own right. if you are going through tough times now, be sure to discern if now is the time God has set for your test. Are you willing to grow from it? are u willing to endure through it all so that you are one step closer to God ultimate calling for your life? these tests are all designed to bring about greater obedience greater humility and greater resolve. and through these personal tests, greater faith in the work God has been doing in your life. Be alert and aware when tough times come your way because it just might be God's exam in determining if you are ready for more.

To be a great part in God's kingdom is worth it. Do not stagnate your own spiritual growth and position in a moment of weakness, inability or failing to see things God's way. God never gives us tests we can't pass. it is always a situation we can deal with when we seek God for His strength. God wants to prepare you adequately for His service. BE READY. Pass the test and go onto the next level. He's waiting for you.

2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Heb 5:8
Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.

January 22, 2010

The Desert

Ever thought of conveying an important message to someone but realising that he or she isnt giving his or her full attention towards you? there seems to be one or more things distracting him or her from listening to you with full intent. eventually you either wait for him to be free of distractions or drag him/her to one corner with and tell him/her.

Distractions prevent us from giving our undivided attention to the messenger. in our christian walk with God, he is our messenger and sometimes He also sends the Holy Spirit. God has His own way of taking us aside, so as for us to give him our undivided attention. many biblical characters have been taken out of their comfort zone and into their own deserts by God. there was Paul, Moses, Joseph and even David  when he was running away from King Saul.

We as humans are stubborn at times, and for some of us its probably all the time, and God knows we need a desert experience in order for Him to acccomplish his work, in order for us to be given the privilege of being used by Him in His Kingdom.

The Desert does a few things to us:
1) makes us uncomfortable and forces us to adapt.
2) leaves us barren of material resources and makes us turn to, for most of us, our last resort, God.
3) it changes our focus from the luxury to the necessity of survival, in this case; spiritual survival.
4) allows us to draw deeper from God's grace.
5) removes the unnecessary.
( these are just some of the things which i think u all will identify with)

God will only take you out of the desert once He has accomplished what He had set out to do and change in your life. Nonetheless take comfort that the desert is only a season in our lives and that it won't last forever. instead use the time to really understand God's heart, aspire to hear His voice like you would have never heard, if you weren't in the desert.

its about seeing the desert through God's perspective. If you think you seem to be in a dry lonely place, where everything and every aspect of your life is just not working out, then the time has come for you. you are in the desert. maximise the time you have in there and reach for God and all that He has for you during this time. Dun focus on the short sighted stuff and see the line ahead. it's the start of your moulding. in army , my sergeant used to say,'' tough times dun last tough men do''. and i guess it applies to our christian lives too. Tough times dun last, tough christians with firm foundations do.

Use the desert fully. God simply wants to take you higher. See it as God sees it.

January 21, 2010

Seeing The Big Picture

Genesis 42:36 'everything is against me!'
So often we are faced with one difficult situation after another. sometimes we just feel that everything is just against us, like we are battling in our darkest hour. you try to be mature and rational but u just cant seem to see whatever's happening, through God's eyes. everything that u are going just doesn't seem to add up or point to some meaningful direction of growth or experience.

what we have to believe is that through this trying time, God is doing His deepest behind-the-scenes work, and its a work that cannot be seen. One of God's methods for directing His children's steps is through drying up resources;a loss of something important, a disaster, or a relationship crisis.its through these times we are more willing to listen to God intently and seek God in ways we would not normally do.

keep reading the Bible as that's one of the best and most practical ways that God uses to give you direction. Just as Jacob had to endure the supposed loss of Joseph to death and Simeon to the Egyptian jail, we have to learn to know how to seek God's heart and understand the purpose behind our predicament when we are faced with our own trials that we don't understand at first.
Pray to continually seek after God's heart. ask Him to take you deeper.

'the darkest hour is just before daybreak'

January 20, 2010


Next Time, Let's Stay in a Hotel
Two campers are hiking in the woods when one is bitten on the butt by a rattlesnake. "I'll go into town for a doctor," the other says. He runs ten miles to a small town and finds the only doctor delivering a baby.
"I can't leave," the doctor says. "But here's what to do. Take a knife, cut a little X where the bite is, suck out the poison and spit it on the ground."
The guy runs back to his friend, who is in agony. "What did the doctor say?" the victim cries.
"He says you're gonna die."

Academy Of Rock

so i finally signed up for singing school yesterday with elisa at the Academy Of Rock and it was so difficult. my teacher's voice  is awesome and she apparently smokes skillful! it was the first time i had to sing a secular song in front of someone assessing my vocal capabilities and it was so much harder than singing gospel songs. i learned mouth shapes, volume control and even how wide my mouth should be opened when i sing. really good class. o and the song that she chose for me was 'Lucky' by Jason Mraz. he is simply first my pitch was all over the place then after hearing the intro over and over again, i got it. lol even the teacher was like 'okay listen again ah.'i never felt so noob before

but all in the name of improving so i can focus on the Spirit more instead of my voice capabilites when i worship lead.  so hopefully by the end of this whole course i can worry abt my voice a little less, especially after sunday! ahhhhhhh! o well not important. hopefully me going in a different key during the song 'till i see you' didnt distract anyone from worshipping. if i did im so sorry. im trying my best to improve. see! i signed up for singing classes bear with me... haha   

p.s i just realised my punctuation sucks when i type. commas all over the place. maybe i should have a joke of the day. im so bored anyway.


its the 20th of January. 11 more days till i start my internship at grace assembly, and i really can't wait to see what God has in store for me when i worship lead over there. it'll be a nice change of environment, to see how other churches function when it comes to key ministries.then there is university in Aug, such a long way from now, but its coming soon.

this is really weird, what if no one's even reading? then I'm like more loser than the average person who merely talks to himself. I'm TYPING to myself! ha ha hopefully someone reads it or else... okay i dunno how to end this post. i just don't.. stupid blog thingy.