hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

February 17, 2010

the problems and the one solution

1) youth service is youth service, not the time to come late, take your time, and enter with an attitude that no one deserves. no one owes anyone anything. the only person we do owe is God

2) don't complain the youth ministry doesn't grow, cuz personal devotion itself helps you grow. blaming someone for our lack of growth is the equivalent of blaming satan for giving us temptation. if we really wanted to grow, we will regardless the provisions. leadership is something we dont question, because God appoints, we follow.

3) ministry is of the heart, not of outward gestures and performances, like in army, sooner or later people will see the 'wayang' (act act only). the heart endures, our emotions dont.rmb when mary chose to listen to Jesus and not help martha. Jesus said she chose what was better. Luke 10:38 a heart of focusing on the right thing which was Jesus.

4) youth ministry is not run by one. man up everyone and start doing something for your own youth ministry and stop taking a backseat and criticizing everything that is wrong from your own perspective, because it is small and short sighted. DO SOMETHING instead of SAY SOMETHING. God doesnt need onlookers, he needs doers of the Word. stop being lazy and hide being that lame excuse of ' but no sermon how we grow'. there are so many resources.(cell leaders, bible study materials, the BIBLE) or is it too much trouble to go to, to learn about a GOD who gave his ALL for us sinners? youth ministry starts with all of us. the pastures are always greener on the other side. and unless god tells u clearly to leave, you don't. its as simple as that.

5) we want to change our youth ministry? then start changing ourselves first and make ourselves usable for God. a heart of critique and unnecessary disrespect and coyness aren't things that God can use.

6) youth ministry is about GOD and not US. is what you can do for God and not what our youth ministry can do for us. its called a ministry. means outreach. so settle ourselves so we can settle others.

cant think of anymore problems we have at the moment but enough for us to reflect and ponder. the one solution is God. Get our lives in order and make ourselves usable. look at our own hearts before looking at others and judging them.get a GOD PERSPECTIVE instead of a 'ME' PERSPECTIVE.
stop our intra-ministry gossiping and focus on what really matters and what really needs to be addressed. it is ultimately God's youth ministry.

p.s. i just had to get it out. hope this wakes us all up

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