hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

April 12, 2010

Psalms 23/ what happened on sunday; the feeling of being used by God.

Psalms 23. a meaningful psalm. especially for those whose faith are wavering, those in doubt of the presence of God in the presence of your difficulties. read it carefully, line by line verse by verse and be really encouraged by David. bottom line is,even when u walk thru your valley of the shadow of death, which is something i consider to be one of the worst or perhaps the worst thing that can happen to u/me, and God is going to be there, do u not think He will be there when u go thru other problems that are lesser in comparison? Our God is a big God. Really big. its time to really know our  BIG GOD.

now for what happened on sunday.
very discouraged and disturbed by many things prior to Sunday. even forgot that i was worship leading and had to send out songlist by wed.preoccupied with the situation of the youth. came to church. lost my blackberry sock on the taxi. during practice many many mistakes, even went out of tune at the start of one song. emotional confidence level lowered. presentation song was not ready to be presented, cancelled it.prayed earnestly just before service started, asking God to help me focus and be ready to be used by Him. service started. was worship leading. shared Psalms 84. then just before i started to lead the next slow song.then felt a strong impulse to review Psalms 23 and share.Holy Spirit promtping to elaborate. so i obeyed and did.a bit draggy as im naturally naggy. worship flowed. word of knowledge from uncle gilbert towards the end. communion. end.

well i thought that was the end. after the worship i was making my way to the toilet, aunty eileen came out from the ladies, smiled and hugged me and said, 'God is very pleased with you'. i was stunned. and just hugged her back. after the entire service, was going towards audi 2 to prac for youth. another adult appeared in front of me, shook my hand and said, thank you for Psalms 23, it really spoke to me. and i was like wow twice someone came up to me thanking God that He spoke through me. i was really happy and honored at the same time. two was more than enough for me to know what i did on stage was real,god planned, god initiated and god concluded/ministered.

then another twist. when God blesses, He blesses in abundance. and this was in the form of another i am close to, texting me just before i went to bed, saying thank you for the songs that i led and for Psalms 23. that it really spoke to his/her heart. wow i gave thanks once again to my God. my awesome Big God who included me into His plan of ministering to His children. It felt awesome. it was honorable. and all i did was ask. all it took was a willing heart ready to do the will of God. God is awesome. two words to tell God today; 'USE ME.'

* p.s cant mention the two names cuz i didnt seek their permission to. so for now they are just person A and B. ( referring to the two that approached me and texted me respectively)

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