hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

April 19, 2010

Israelites. desert. 40 years. 14600 days.

we are in the desert. we have to get out. there is no direction to follow, no advice to heed, no common cause to work towards. self centered natures have taken over. personal strategies and goals have surfaced. stupid and childish quarrels ensue right after. jealousy follows. lost we are. and lost we will remain being if we dun start to wake up. how much do we want our promise land? how much more longer do we want to stay in the desert. the longer we stay the further we are away from promise. the more disorientated we are. the more lost we are. can we be more lost? we need to focus. we need help. we need to be humbled. we need God, more so we need to admit that we need God.

enough with being satisfied with where we are. there is nth satisfying abt our state. not anywhere close where God wants us to be. we need to want more, we need to want to be better, we need to want to be who God wants and intends us to be. pretention only lasts that long. why are we even going to church if we are expecting  lukewarm experiences from God, a few casual conversations, and no concrete and valuable inputs into our lives. are we growing? or are we stagnating? are we even at the state of decay? im tired of the mind games. im tired of stubborn and stuck up people.i'm tired of immaturity and egos. im tired of half- hearted responses. im basically tired. physically.

this is getting out of hand. imagine yourselves dwelling in the hse of God with this kinds of behavior, if God were human like our parents, we will be on the streets. grab hold of the second chance. realise u are nth without God. realise the church is for GOD, NOT FOR YOU. realise u need God. God will show u. its time to rise up JAEL.. its long overdue.

Learn from the Israelites. history might just repeat itself.

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