hopefully, this blog can encourage u, inspire u, enlighten u, empower u, all in the purpose of deepening your walk with God. (and sometimes also to vent my frustrations and thoughts.. so do bear with me)

October 4, 2010

prayer meeting (He's Got The Whole World In His Hands)

it was friday, and i dun usually go for prayer meetings because of sch and tuition. after the session with pastor bob, it ended quite late thus i decided to just go for prayer meeting. 

during the prayer meeting, prayer requests werent the only things on my mind, during the worship, i just felt every unhappy thought that i had towards the church, towards the youth grp, towards everything i felt was going wrong. nth seemed to work in terms of persuading them to see the correct way to go abt doing church as a team. it was a time when God just listened to my every problem, i felt i was the most problematic child in His kingdom. i couldnt bring myself to think abt anything else. i wanted to seek God and seek His ways, to know that His ways are higher, I somehow required more assurance.

this next part of the story is gonna sound ridiculous to some and hopefully meaningful and applicable to most. 

during this whole time, i was holding one of those stereotypical stress balls, and it was modelled after the globe, it belonged to josiah who received it from his geography teacher. this whole time while i was complaining and whining and being a little baby in the presence of God, my hand still held on to that globe stress ball, squeezing it everytime i had a complaint. 

worship ended and it was a time of free worship and spontaneous prayers, and we were all seated. ppl were praying aloud and i just couldnt seem to get a prayer out. i just agreed with them, nodding my head in approval and acknowledgement. i was still looking for an answer, and i got so frustrated, i just started to play with the stress ball, squeezing it, tapping it, still asking God why hasnt He given me an answer yet. i was kind of resigned that His ways are higher, in that non-chalant kinda way, and simply sat back. at that point of time, everyone was probably wondering why haven i prayed for smth yet, i was the only one left who hasnt muttered a single word.

Then, as i sat the stressball upright on the palm of my hand and looked at it for a moment, the complaining stopped, it just came to me, as clear as it was, " He's got the whole world in His hands' and it just kept repeating and it just kept coming to me ' he's got it covered ivan. why are u worried? He's got the whole world in His hands!' then i looked at the stressball sitting on my hand, thinking, this ball was 1/4 of my hand, and then another thought struck me ' now multiply that by a hundred times, thats how small the world is. thats how much he is in control. that is how big our God is' 

right there and then i started to worship, incidentally, it was the closing song, and i just sang my heart out more than ever, knowing my faith though seemingly shaken, had been strengthened once again. the phrase didnt stop coming to me, ' I've got the whole world in My hands, ivan, im in control" 
what a unique encounter with God, with His Holy Spirit speaking truth into my life and uplifting me once again.

God is good. He's got the whole world in His hands. and when you ask, it will be given, u just have to wait for the opportune moment.

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